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Literary Devices


What is the difference between literal and figurative writing? Is there really a secret set of tricks used by top authors to make their writing even better? Why not use these tricks all the time? This book, by English literature and creative writing tutor Amy Jones, provides a vital introduction to the essential literary devices used by writers for thousands of years to engage and charm their readers, and better describe their worlds in words.


Chapter 1: Metaphor

* Definition: A figure of speech that compares two things without using "like" or "as."
* Example: "Her heart was a stone." (Compares a heart to a stone to convey coldness or heaviness)

Chapter 2: Simile

* Definition: A figure of speech that compares two things using "like" or "as."
* Example: "Her eyes were like two bright stars." (Compares eyes to stars to convey brilliance)

Chapter 3: Personification

* Definition: Giving human qualities to non-human things.
* Example: "The wind whispered secrets to the trees." (Gives human speech to wind)

Chapter 4: Imagery

* Definition: Vivid descriptive language that appeals to the senses.
* Example: "The air was thick with the scent of jasmine." (Appeals to the sense of smell)

Chapter 5: Symbolism

* Definition: Using an object or action to represent something else, often abstract.
* Example: "The white dove is a symbol of peace." (Dove represents peace)

Chapter 6: Irony

* Definition: The use of a word or statement to convey a meaning opposite to its literal one.
* Example: "It's a beautiful day," said the man as he shivered in the rain. (Irony of beauty versus discomfort)

Chapter 7: Hyperbole

* Definition: An exaggeration used for emphasis.
* Example: "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse." (Exaggerates hunger)

Chapter 8: Foreshadowing

* Definition: Hints or clues planted in a text to suggest future events.
* Example: "As she left the house, she felt a shiver down her spine." (Foreshadowing danger)

Chapter 9: Alliteration

* Definition: The repetition of the same initial consonant sound in a series of words.
* Example: "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers." (Alliteration on "p")

Chapter 10: Assonance

* Definition: The repetition of vowel sounds within a series of words.
* Example: "The wind whispers through the trees." (Assonance on "e")