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On 22nd November 1963, the 35th president of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and his wife Jackie were taking part in a presidential motorcade through Dallas. Thousands lined the streets cheering; others hung out of windows to catch a glimpse of the much-loved First Lady and President. Suddenly, the unthinkable: three shots - bang...bang, bang - rang out. In front of the world, John F Kennedy was fatally wounded.

Lee Harvey Oswald was caught.
But did he fire the fatal bullet?

Who REALLY killed JFK?

Fifty years after the tragic events in Dallas, JFK: THE SMOKING GUN solves the ultimate cold case. With the forensic eye of a highly regarded ex-cop, Colin McLaren gathered the evidence, studied 10,000 pages of transcripts, discovered the witnesses the Warren Commission failed to call, and uncovered the exhibits and testimonies that were hidden until now. What he found is far more outrageous than any fanciful conspiracy theory could ever be.

JFK: THE SMOKING GUN proves, once and for all, who did kill the President.

'A compelling case'

'Comprehensive and compelling'


Chapter 1: The Early Years

* Focuses on JFK's childhood, education, and early political career.
* Example: Recounts JFK's childhood in Brookline, Massachusetts, where he developed his charisma and competitive spirit.

Chapter 2: The Senator

* Examines JFK's tenure in the U.S. Senate from 1953 to 1960.
* Example: Highlights JFK's efforts to introduce legislation on education, health care, and civil rights.

Chapter 3: The Presidential Campaign

* Describes JFK's historic campaign for the presidency in 1960.
* Example: Analyzes the impact of the televised debates with Richard Nixon, which showcased JFK's youth and vigor.

Chapter 4: The Inauguration

* Captures the excitement and pageantry surrounding JFK's inauguration in 1961.
* Example: Describes the iconic speech in which JFK famously declared, "Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country."

Chapter 5: The New Frontier

* Outlines JFK's ambitious domestic agenda, known as the "New Frontier."
* Example: Discusses the creation of the Peace Corps and the Alliance for Progress, initiatives that aimed to promote global development and peace.

Chapter 6: The Cuban Missile Crisis

* Chronicles the 13-day confrontation between the U.S. and Soviet Union over the presence of nuclear missiles in Cuba.
* Example: Describes JFK's decisive leadership during the crisis, which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war.

Chapter 7: The Civil Rights Movement

* Explores JFK's role in supporting the civil rights movement.
* Example: Highlights JFK's address to the nation after the Birmingham church bombing in 1963, in which he called for an end to racial discrimination.

Chapter 8: The Assassination

* Provides a detailed account of JFK's assassination in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.
* Example: Recounts the events leading up to the shooting, including the motorcade route and the immediate aftermath.

Chapter 9: The Legacy

* Assesses JFK's presidency and its lasting impact on American history.
* Example: Discusses the influence of his "Camelot" myth and the continued fascination with his life and legacy.