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Inside the Invisible


Inside the Invisible provides the first examination of the work of Turner Prize-winning Black British artist and curator Professor Lubaina Himid CBE. This comprehensive volume breaks new ground by theorizing her development of an alternative visual and textual language within which to do justice to the hidden histories and untold stories of Black women, children, and men bought and sold into transatlantic slavery. For Himid, the act of forgetting within official sites of memory is indivisible from the art of remembering within an African diasporic art historical tradition. She interrogates the widespread distortion and even wholesale erasure of Black bodies and souls subjected to dehumanizing stereotypes and grotesque caricatures within western imaginaries and dominant iconographic traditions over the centuries. Creating bodies of work in which she comes to grips with the physical and psychological realities of iconic and anonymous African diasporic individuals as living breathing human beings rather than as objectified types, she bears witness not only to tragedy but to triumph. A self-appointed researcher, historian, and storyteller as well as an artist, she succeeds in seeing "inside the invisible" regarding untold narratives of Black agency and artistry by mining national archives, listening to oral stories, acknowledging art-making traditions, and revisiting autobiographical testimonies.

Celeste-Marie Bernier, Alan Rice, Hannah Durkin, Lubaina Himid


Chapter 1: The Invisible World

The chapter introduces the concept of the invisible world, which encompasses phenomena beyond the perception of our five senses. Real example: Scientists discover dark matter, an invisible force that exerts gravitational pull on visible matter.

Chapter 2: The Power of the Subconscious

Examines the role of the subconscious mind in our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Real example: Hypnosis is used to access the subconscious and promote positive changes, such as overcoming fears or boosting self-confidence.

Chapter 3: The Language of the Body

Explores the connection between our physical body and our emotional and spiritual well-being. Real example: Body language research reveals that our facial expressions and body postures can convey powerful messages about our hidden emotions and intentions.

Chapter 4: The Power of Intuition

Discusses intuition as a form of inner guidance that can provide valuable insights and guide our decision-making. Real example: A woman has an intuitive sense that a new job opportunity is not right for her, and she later finds out that the company has a reputation for mismanagement.

Chapter 5: The Mind-Body Connection

Explores the bidirectional relationship between our minds and bodies. Real example: Stress can lead to physical symptoms such as headaches and digestive issues, while meditation and other mind-body practices can promote physical and mental well-being.

Chapter 6: The Power of Energy

Examines the concept of energy as a fundamental force in the universe, both within our own bodies and in the external world. Real example: Energy healing modalities, such as Reiki and Qigong, use directed energy to promote healing and balance.

Chapter 7: The Law of Attraction

Presents the idea that our thoughts and beliefs can create our reality. Real example: A person visualizes themselves achieving a specific goal, and through consistent effort and positive thinking, they eventually manifest it in their lives.

Chapter 8: The Power of Consciousness

Explores the nature of consciousness and its role in shaping our experiences and worldviews. Real example: Meditation and mindfulness practices help us cultivate a greater awareness of our own consciousness and develop a deeper understanding of our place in the universe.

Chapter 9: The Invisible Source

Examines the concept of a Universal Source of all existence and how we can connect to it. Real example: Spiritual practices such as prayer, contemplation, and communion with nature can foster a sense of connection and belonging to something greater than ourselves.