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How to Give Up Plastic


Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.

Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.

The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.

How to Give Up Plastic, a Level 5 Reader, is B1 in the CEFR framework. The text is made up of sentences with up to four clauses, introducing present perfect continuous, past perfect, reported speech and second conditional. It is well supported by illustrations, which appear regularly.

Around 12.7 million tonnes of plastic are entering the ocean every year. By 2050 there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish by weight. But YOU can make a difference. This book will help you to use less plastic in your homes and communities.

Visit the Penguin Readers website
Exclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.

Will McCallum


Chapter 1: Why Plastic?

* Presents the alarming statistics and environmental impacts of plastic pollution.
* Emphasizes the role of individuals in reducing plastic consumption.
* Real Example: Rachel Carson's groundbreaking book "Silent Spring" raised awareness about the harmful effects of pesticides, sparking a movement that led to environmental regulations.

Chapter 2: The Four Rs

* Introduces the four Rs of waste management: reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot.
* Provides practical tips for reducing plastic use in various aspects of daily life.
* Real Example: Replacing single-use plastic bags with reusable shopping bags and bringing your own reusable water bottle.

Chapter 3: Kitchen and Pantry

* Focuses on eliminating plastic in food storage and preparation.
* Offers alternatives to plastic wrap, disposable utensils, and plastic packaging.
* Real Example: Using glass containers for leftovers, investing in silicone baking utensils, and choosing products packaged in paper or cardboard.

Chapter 4: Bathroom and Laundry

* Addresses the prevalence of plastic in personal care products and cleaning supplies.
* Explores eco-friendly alternatives to plastic toothbrush heads, shampoo bottles, and laundry detergent containers.
* Real Example: Switching to a bamboo toothbrush, purchasing shampoo in bar form, and using powder laundry detergent.

Chapter 5: Out and About

* Discusses the challenges of reducing plastic consumption outside the home.
* Provides tips for bringing your own reusable bags to stores, avoiding plastic packaging in restaurants, and packing waste-free lunches.
* Real Example: Carrying a reusable tote bag, bringing a reusable coffee cup to cafes, and preparing homemade snacks packaged in reusable containers.

Chapter 6: Beyond Single-Use

* Extends the focus to larger plastic items that are often overlooked.
* Encourages the repair and reuse of electronics, furniture, and toys to prevent plastic waste.
* Real Example: Donating or repairing old electronics, reupholstering furniture instead of replacing it, and buying secondhand toys.

Chapter 7: The Power of Community

* Highlights the importance of collective action to combat plastic pollution.
* Provides tips for engaging with local organizations, supporting businesses that prioritize sustainability, and advocating for policy changes.
* Real Example: Joining a plastic-free challenge with friends, supporting local farmers' markets that offer plastic-free produce, and writing to elected officials about plastic waste reduction measures.

Chapter 8: The Future of Plastic

* Discusses promising innovations in plastic alternatives and waste management.
* Highlights the role of research, technology, and consumer choices in creating a more sustainable future.
* Real Example: The development of biodegradable and plant-based plastics, advancements in recycling technology, and the growing demand for sustainable products.