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Death at Victoria Dock


The devastating Phryne Fisher is under fire again in her fourth mystery.

A very young man with muddied hair, a pierced ear and a blue tattoo lies cradled in Phryne's arms. But sadly, it's not another scene of glorious seduction - this time it's death. The Honourable Miss Phryne Fisher, beautifully dressed in loose trousers, a cream silk shirt and a red-fox fur has just had her windscreen shot out inches in front of her divine nose. But worse is the fate of the pale young man lying on the road, his body hit by bullets, who draws his final blood-filled breath with Phryne at his side. Outraged by this brutal slaughter, Phryne promises to find out who is responsible. But Phryne doesn't yet know how deeply into the mire she'll have to go: bank robbery, tattoo parlours, pubs, spiritualist halls, and the Anarchists. Along this path, Phryne meets Peter, a battle-scarred, sexy Slav, who offers much more to her than just information. But all thoughts of these delights flee from Phryne's mind when her beloved maid, Dot, disappears. There's nothing Phryne won't do to get her back safely.

Kerry Greenwood


Chapter 1: A Body in the Basin

* Introduction of Chief Inspector Stark and his team.
* Discovery of a young woman's body in the Victoria Dock.
* Initial examination reveals signs of strangulation and blunt force trauma.

Chapter 2: The Missing Suitor

* Identification of the victim as Sarah Jenkins, a twenty-three-year-old perfume saleswoman.
* Investigation into Sarah's love life uncovers a missing suitor named Edward Hayes.
* Edward's apartment is searched, revealing suspicious items, including a bloody glove and a torn piece of clothing.

Chapter 3: The Phantom Letters

* Anonymous letters are received by the police, claiming responsibility for Sarah's murder.
* The letters contain cryptic messages and suggest a deep obsession with Sarah.
* Stark suspects that the letters are intended to mislead the investigation.

Chapter 4: The Jealous Ex-Boyfriend

* Suspicion falls on Sarah's ex-boyfriend, David Roberts, who had a history of violence.
* David is questioned but denies involvement, claiming he was out of town at the time of the murder.
* However, witnesses place David in the vicinity of the dock during the estimated time of death.

Chapter 5: The Slippery Alibi

* David's alibi is questioned as witness accounts conflict with his statements.
* Phone records and video surveillance show David in different locations than he claimed.
* Stark's team mounts a surveillance operation on David, hoping to catch him in a lie.

Chapter 6: The Truth Unraveled

* David is caught on tape meeting with a mysterious woman in a secluded park.
* The woman is identified as Anna, Edward Hayes's estranged wife.
* Anna confesses to murdering Sarah in a fit of jealousy after learning of her affair with Edward.

Chapter 7: Closure and Consequences

* Stark arrests Anna for Sarah's murder.
* Anna is found guilty and sentenced to life in prison.
* The case is closed, but the mystery of the phantom letters remains unsolved.
* Stark vows to find the truth behind the anonymous threats.